Collection: Coaching Services

I am a Certified Entrepreneur Coach who helps other home based businesses grow and thrive.  I specialize in New Age Practitioners and Retailers, Handmade Craft Businesses, and Home-Based Start Ups.

I am fortunate to have strong analytical skills and strong creative skills so I bring personal experience to help creative business owners with the daunting numbers side of the business.  

I bring to you a really dynamic combination of education, experience, and passion.

  • BS in Marketing with an emphasis in Consumer Behavior
  • BS in Management with an emphasis in Entrepreneurship
  • MBA in Business Administration
  • Over 30 years of sales experience from retail, to services, to housing, to software in both Business to Business and Business to Consumer.  
  • I've started 2 businesses from scratch
  • I do my own accounting
  • I do my own marketing
Coaching Services